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About DesireHive™

DesireHive is a not-for-profit initiative owned and developed by European photography and software development company YuliApp®.

DesireHive is a fair social network designed to be an artist’s homepage, especially for adult art creators who find themselves oppressed elsewhere. However, any creators are welcome, as we do not censor content within legal limits.
Inside DesireHive you will get unlimited photos, a video and document gallery, user management for paying members and friends, messenger service, free public website with online shop, the most flexible payment options for your members and very flexible pay-out options for creators. At this moment DesireHive is best optimized for the selling of photography, video and other visual content to members. With its album-like structure it is especially pleasing to use if you have a large amount of content to offer. Read more in "Compared To..."


At this moment DesireHive is in its public beta version. All major functionality should be working or is being fixed and added daily.
This means that we are ready for business, but you might hit a bump here and there.

We are officially launching on April 27th 2021, by which time all major features should be working. If you have any issues, please contact us.

Quick Q&A

What payment methods are supported on DesireHive? We support the following payment options: Major Credit-Cards, PayPal, Stripe Network (incl. Apple Pay, GPay, and various national banks and payment services...), European bank-wire SEPA, Western Union, Cash in envelope (literally), Payoneer, and many more.

Are there ads on DesireHive? There is no third-party content or ads on DesireHive. We plan to rollout direct ads within a year, which you will earn credits for viewing, but even those will be opt-in.

How much does DesireHive cost? DesireHive is by itself free to use for creators and fans. We aim to charge a 2% sales commission within a few months or when we believe DesireHive does not need any more promotion. Regular sales commissions in business are about 20-40% so we believe that we will attract lots of customers with these low rates. Additionally, having no monthly fees encourages early sign-ups and try-before-you-buy.

Are there automated account locks, deletes, bans and similar shady behaviour? We handle all claims and issues personally and do not use any pseudo A.I. to lock you out from your content or income.

Is there shadow-banning on DesireHive? We do not use any pseudo A.I. to limit what our members can see or not.

What is an alternative to DesireHive? We believe there is no alternative to DesireHive, which is why we've created it. Mainly because we do not aim for quick cash and exit, but want to build a stable and perfect platform close to art we all enjoy and live for.
Read more in "Compared To..."

Can I support or invest in DesireHive? We plan to move DesireHive to public hands (probably open-source the code and create a voted member's board to overlook the management) as soon as we believe it will be beneficial for our cause and secure enough members to have meaningful voting power on the market.
We are also considering various public or private shareholding options for the future.
At this moment, if you believe in our cause, you can donate any amount of money, which will then be used for development and marketing. Equally, spread the word or start using DesireHive by yourself!

Is there a demo site/ambassador? Yes, you can see all the features of DesireHive on our very own Art Gallery, which it has been developed from.

As it is not clear on more or less any other site, what is allowed on DesireHive? DesireHive allows any uncensored content which falls within the legal rules of the country you live in and the European Union, whichever is stricter in each particular case.
While we have no bots banning you automatically, we will react very quickly on DMCA, GDPR or any legal claims.

Compared to Reddit: our goal is that you upload only content you created or that which you have for personal use. If you do not try to profit from someone else's work, you are in the clear with us. We also don’t have mods with God complexes which will make your life simpler in the long run.

Compared to Google: we are about as flexible as Google is with what you can see on our site.

Read more about how we stack up against popular photo and video sharing sites and paysites.

😏 DesireHive™ Fair, Direct Connection Between Creators and their Fans

Content of this website, including, but not limited to photos, videos, graphics and editorial parts ©2016-2024 DesireHive / YuliApp® and respective creators. All Rights Reserved. Any reuse without written permission is prohibited.
For press inquiries, use of the logo, name and content please contact us.


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